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 :: HT CUP :: HT Cup

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Post by ClassROU Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:37 am

IMPORTANT   00-cctld-ro-iconIn Cupa Romaniei, fiecare repriza dureaza cate 10 minute. In caz de egalitate, se vor juca reprize suplimentare de cate 5 minute, cu regula golului de aur, echipele schimband partile dupa fiecare repriza.
Golurile inscrise exact atunci cand expira timpul regulamentar (10:00 / 05:00) vor fi validate!

Daca o echipa nu poate fi prezenta la ora oficiala, trebuie sa faca un anunt in topic-ul turului respectiv inainte de startul partidei.
O partida amanata trebuie sa se dispute in maxim 10 zile si ambele echipe trebuie sa confirme noua data si ora in topic.

IMPORTANT   00-cctld-uk-iconFor Romanian Cup matches, the time limit for each half is 10 minutes. In case of a tie, additional 5 minute periods will be played until a goal is scored (golden goal), with teams switching sides after each period.
Goals scored right as the regular time expires (10:00 / 05:00) will be considered valid!

If a team cannot play at the official time, they must announce it in the round topic before the match starts.
A postponed match must be played within 10 days and both teams must confirm the new date and time in the topic.


Mesaje : 58
Data de inscriere : 2014-04-13


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