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Restricted Players

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Restricted Players Empty Restricted Players

Post by ClassROU Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:33 am

Restricted Players 00-cctld-ro-icon REGULAMENT OFICIAL (8. TRANSFERURILE)

Exista doua perioade destinate transferurilor:
- Inceputul sezonului - startul etapei a 3-a din tur
- Pauza de la mijlocul sezonului

Cei care au jucat pentru o echipa si o parasesc in afara perioadei de transferuri nu mai pot evolua pentru alta echipa pana la redeschiderea transferurilor.
Acestora le va fi permis sa revina la aceeasi echipa, insa doar de doua ori pe parcursul unui sezon!
Jucator (Echipa)* : are dreptul sa evolueze doar pentru acea echipa; * - numarul de iesiri/reveniri in lot
Jucator (-) : nu mai poate evolua pentru nicio echipa

Va fi aspru pedepsita orice incercare de incalcare a acestor reguli prin crearea de conturi multiple sau folosirea numelor false in timpul meciurilor!

Restricted Players 00-cctld-uk-icon OFFICIAL RULES (8. TRANSFERS)

There are two separate transfer windows:
> Start of the season - start of the 3rd matchday
> Mid-season break

Someone that plays for a team and leaves it outside the transfer window is not allowed to play for another team until the next transfer window opens.
It is still possible to rejoin the same team, but this can only be done two times per season!
Player (Team)* : is only allowed to play for that team; * - number of times left/rejoined the squad
Player (-) : is not allowed to play for any team

Trying to override these rules by creating multiple accounts or using fake nicknames during matches will be severely punished!


Mesaje : 58
Data de inscriere : 2014-04-13


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Restricted Players Empty Re: Restricted Players

Post by ClassROU Mon Apr 14, 2014 8:57 am

Franchise Boy*(PROmaniacs)
Dany/Balle*(Team Panthers)

Pain -


Mesaje : 58
Data de inscriere : 2014-04-13


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