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Sanctions list

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Sanctions list Empty Sanctions list

Post by ClassROU Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:58 am

Sanctions list 00-cctld-ro-iconREGULAMENT OFICIAL (1. REGULI GENERALE)
Numele, avatarul si semnatura trebuie sa se incadreze in limitele decentei.
Incurajam folosirea corecta a limbii romane pe forum. Evitati folosirea metodelor de exprimare gen mIRC sau Messenger.
Nu sunt admise mesajele off-topic in topic-urile oficiale, in special cele pentru echipe si rezultatele meciurilor.

Nu vor fi tolerate sub nicio forma iesirile necontrolate, jignirea adversarilor, deciziile luate la cald care afecteaza buna integritatea a ligii, neseriozitatea si lipsa fairplay-ului.
Nu depasiti limita dintre ironie/umor si insulte/atacuri la persoana!
Nu sunt admise mesajele agresive, umilitoare, denigratoare.
Membrii staff-ului vor penaliza orice abatere de la regulile bunului simt si a celor sapte ani de acasa, chiar daca nu sunt definite in mod explicit in prezentul regulament.

Pentru o abatere de pe forum sau dintr-o partida oficiala, jucatorilor le va fi redus nivelul de incredere cu 25%. Atunci cand un jucator ajunge la 0%, acesta va fi banat 3 zile de pe forum. Pentru fiecare abatere ulterioara, banul va fi de 7 zile, plus o suspendare pentru urmatorul meci oficial al echipei.
Nivelul de incredere va fi resetat intre sezoane.
Atunci cand nu mai exista alta solutie, jucatorul va fi exclus din competitie!

Sanctions list 00-cctld-uk-iconOFFICIAL RULES (1. GENERAL CONDUCT)
User names, avatars and signatures must be within decency limits.
Please keep your messages as clear and clean as possible.
Off-topic replies are not allowed in any official topic, especially those for team line-ups and match results.

We will not tolerate any uncontrolled outbursts, insulting other players, rash decisions which can affect the integrity of the competition, and the lack of seriousness and fairplay.
Do not cross the line between irony/humor and insults/aggressive replies!
The staff members will penalise any deviations from reasonable behavior, even those that are not explicitly defined in the rules.

For every instance of improper behavior on the forum or during official matches, players will have their trust level reduced by 25%. When it reaches 0%, they will be banned for 3 days. For each subsequent offense, the penalty will be a 7 day forum ban and a suspension for the team's next official match.
The trust level will be reset between seasons.

If there is no other option, a player will be excluded from the competition!


Mesaje : 58
Data de inscriere : 2014-04-13


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Sanctions list Empty Re: Sanctions list

Post by ClassROU Mon Apr 14, 2014 6:03 am

Batman. : Strike 1 - Off-Topic
Pain: Strike 1 - Off-Topic&injurii , Strike 2 Off-Topic
subway_: Strike 1 - Off-Topic
EZEKIEL : Strike 1 - TS3-MOD.
Rose. : Strike 1 - Injurii
P.O.R.C : Strike 1: Off Topic  , Strike2: Spam , Strike 3: Spam
El Diablo : Strike 1: Off topic , Strike 2: Spam.
SchliriGOL: Strike 1: Spam. , Strike 2 Off-Topic , Strike 3 Off-Topic
DonGOL: Strike 1 : Spam.
Zero#: Strike 1 : Off-Topic
Fantastico : Strike 1 Double Post
el pufulete: Banned 3 days
seals : Strike 1 Off-Topic
Ghost Rider : Strike 1 Off-Topic , Strike 2 Off-Topic
Fantoma.: Strike 1 Off-Topic


Mesaje : 58
Data de inscriere : 2014-04-13


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