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Wildcard   Empty Wildcard

Post by ClassROU Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:26 am

Wildcard   00-cctld-ro-icon REGULAMENT OFICIAL (4. MECIURILE)
Fiecare echipa are la dispozitie 6 wildcard-uri pe sezon pentru a amana meciurile din campionat.
Wildcard-ul trebuie folosit cu minim o ora inainte de startul partidei si permite reprogramarea acesteia in termen de 7 zile, noua data fiind stabilita impreuna cu echipa adversa.
Daca echipele nu ajung la un acord in acest interval, staff-ul va stabili o ora obligatorie la 8 zile dupa data initiala.
Daca ambele echipe sunt inactive si meciul nu este jucat, acesta va fi validat cu scorul de 0-0.
Meciul poate fi mutat si fara a utiliza un wildcard, atunci cand ambele echipe sunt de acord si confirma noua data/ora in topic-ul etapei.

Wildcard   00-cctld-uk-icon OFFICIAL RULES (4. MATCHES)
Each team can use 6 wildcards per season to postpone league matches.
The wildcard must be used at least one hour before match time and it allows to reschedule the match within 7 days. There must be a mutual agreement between teams regarding the new match time. If no agreement is reached, the staff will set a mandatory time 8 days after the initial match date.
If both teams are inactive and the match is not played, it will be validated with a 0-0 score.
A match can also be rescheduled without the use of a wildcard if both teams are in agreement and confirm the new date/time in the matchday topic.


Mesaje : 58
Data de inscriere : 2014-04-13


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