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 :: Hax Tech :: Complaints

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Post by ClassROU Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:13 am

IMPORTANT   00-cctld-ro-iconPentru a face o reclamatie, creati un topic nou care sa aiba ca titlu numarul etapei si meciul. De exemplu: "Etapa #1 - Echipa A vs. Echipa B".
Topicul trebuie sa contina descrierea reclamatiei, reluarea completa a meciului, minutul exact in care s-au intampinat probleme si orice alte dovezi relevante (screenshot-uri).
In afara de admini, doar capitanii celor doua echipe implicate au dreptul sa scrie in topic. Toate mesajele off-topic vor fi sterse!
Dupa prezentarea deciziei oficiale, topicul va fi inchis.

IMPORTANT   00-cctld-uk-iconTo make a complaint, create a new topic with the round number and match in the title. For example: "Matchday #1 - Team A vs. Team B".
The topic must include the complaint description, a complete match replay, the exact minute when problems were encountered and any other relevant evidence (screenshots).
Besides the admins, only the captains of the two teams that are involved are allowed to write in the topic. All off-topic replies will be deleted!
After the official decision is announced, the topic will be closed.


Mesaje : 58
Data de inscriere : 2014-04-13


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