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 :: Hax Tech :: Schedule

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Post by ClassROU Sun Apr 13, 2014 2:06 am

MatchDay #1 (12.04.2014)

Hax Genius vs PROmaniacs 5 - 1
Tigers vs Team Panthers 2 - 1
Darkstar United vs Politia Romana 6 - 2
Yellow Wolves vs Angels of Death 2 - 1
Olympique HC vs Promotion Zero 2 - 0

MatchDay #2 (15.04.2014)

PROmaniacs vs Tigers
Team Panthers vs Olympique HC
Yellow Wolves vs Hax Genius
Darkstar United vs Angels of Death
Promotion Zero vs Politia Romana

MatchDay #3 (18.04.2014)

Team Panthers vs Darkstar United
Hax Genius vs Tigers
Promotion Zero vs Angels of Death
Politia Romana vs PROmaniacs
Olympique HC vs Yellow Wolves

MatchDay #4 (22.04.2014)

Promotion Zero vs Darkstar United
Tigers vs Yellow Wolves
PROmaniacs vs Team Panthers
Olympique HC vs Politia Romana
Hax Genius vs Angels of Death

MatchDay #5 (26.04.2014)

Hax Genius vs Darkstar United
Team Panthers vs Politia Romana
Tigers vs Olympique HC
Yellow Wolves vs Promotion Zero
Angels of Death vs PROmaniacs

MatchDay #6 (29.04.2014)

Tigers vs Darkstar United
Hax Genius vs Olympique HC
Team Panthers vs Angels of Death
PROmaniacs vs Promotion Zero
Politia Romana vs Yellow Wolves

MatchDay #7 (3.05.2014)

Yellow Wolves vs Darkstar United
Hax Genius vs Politia Romana
PROmaniacs vs Olympique HC
Angels of Death vs Tigers
Team Panthers vs Promotion Zero

MatchDay #8 (6.05.2014)

Team Panthers vs Yellow wolves
Politia Romana vs Tigers
Promotion Zero vs Hax Genius
Darkstar United vs PROmaniacs
Angels of Death vs Olympique HC

MatchDay #9 (10.05.2014)

Team Panthers vs Hax Genius
Darkstar United vs Olympique HC
Politia Romana vs Angels of Death
Promotion Zero vs Tigers
PROmaniacs vs Yellow Wolves

MatchDay #10 (17.05.2014)

PROmaniacs vs Hax Genius
Tigers vs Team Panthers
Darkstar United vs Politia Romana
Yellow Wolves vs Angels of Death
Olympique HC vs Promotion Zero

MatchDay #11 (20.05.2014)

PROmaniacs vs Tigers
Olympique HC vs Team Panthers
Hax Genius vs Yellow Wolves
Angels of Death vs Darkstar United
Politia Romana vs Promotion Zero

MatchDay #12 (24.05.2014)

Darkstar United vs Team Panthers
Angels of Death vs Promotion Zero
Tigers vs Hax Genius
PROmaniacs vs Politia Romana
Yellow Wolves vs Olympique HC

MatchDay #13 (27.05.2014)

Darkstar United vs Promotion Zero
Yellow Wolves vs Tigers
Team Panthers vs PROmaniacs
Politia Romana vs Olympique HC
Angels of Death vs Hax Genius

MatchDay #14 (31.05.2014)

Darkstar United vs Hax Genius
Politia Romana vs Team Panthers
Olympique HC vs Tigers
Promotion Zero vs Yellow Wolves
PROmaniacs vs Angels of Death

MatchDay #15 (03.06.2014)

Darkstar United vs Tigers
Olympique HC vs Hax Genius
Angels of Death vs Team Panthers
Promotion Zero vs PROmaniacs
Yellow Wolves vs Politia Romana

MatchDay #16 (07.06.2014)

Darkstar United vs Yellow Wolves
Politia Romana vs Hax Genius
Olympique HC vs PROmaniacs
Tigers vs Angels of Death
Promotion Zero vs Team Panthers

MatchDay #17 (10.06.2014)

Yellow wolves vs Team Panthers
Tigers vs Politia Romana
Hax Genius vs Promotion Zero
PROmaniacs vs Darkstar United
Olympique HC vs Angels of Death

MatchDay #18 (14.06.2014)

Hax Genius vs Team Panthers
Olympique HC vs Darkstar United
Angels of Death vs Politia Romana
Tigers vs Promotion Zero
Yellow Wolves vs PROmaniacs


Mesaje : 58
Data de inscriere : 2014-04-13


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